Classic Southern Potato Salad: A Timeless Comfort Side Dish

Savor the rich flavors of the South with our Classic Southern Potato Salad. This timeless side dish is a comforting combination of tender potatoes, creamy mayonnaise, and a medley of flavors. Learn how to make this beloved Southern classic and elevate your next barbecue or family gathering.


  • 2 pounds russet or red potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • 1/2 cup diced celery
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika, for garnish (optional)


1. Boil the Potatoes:

  • Place the potato chunks in a large pot, cover them with water, and add a pinch of salt.
  • Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are fork-tender.
  • Drain the potatoes and let them cool to room temperature.

2. Hard Boil the Eggs:

  • Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover them with water.
  • Bring the water to a boil, then remove the saucepan from the heat, cover, and let the eggs sit for 12-15 minutes.
  • Drain and rinse the eggs under cold water, then peel and chop them.

3. Prepare the Dressing:

  • In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise and yellow mustard.

4. Combine Ingredients:

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked and cooled potatoes, chopped eggs, diced celery, diced onion, and sweet pickle relish.

5. Add Dressing:

  • Gently fold the mayonnaise and mustard dressing into the potato mixture, ensuring all ingredients are well coated.
  • Season with salt and black pepper to taste.

6. Chill and Serve:

  • Cover the bowl and refrigerate the potato salad for at least an hour to allow the flavors to meld.
  • Before serving, garnish with a sprinkle of paprika if desired.

7. Enjoy the Southern Classic:

  • Serve your Classic Southern Potato Salad at your next gathering and delight in the timeless comfort it brings to your table.

With our Classic Southern Potato Salad, you can experience the enduring comfort of the South in a beloved side dish that’s perfect for any occasion. Tender potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, crunchy celery, sweet pickle relish, and a creamy mayonnaise and mustard dressing come together in this timeless classic. It has a nostalgic flavor that is ideal for barbecues, picnics, or family gatherings. Begin by boiling the potatoes until tender and hard-boiling the eggs. Then, combine mayonnaise and yellow mustard to make the flavorful dressing. Combine all of the ingredients, gently folding them together, and set aside for at least an hour to allow the flavors to meld. A sprinkle of paprika on top before serving completes the dish. Our Classic Southern Potato Salad embodies tradition while also evoking Southern hospitality to your table. Whether you’re looking for the perfect side dish or a reminder of home, this salad is sure to please. Enjoy the classic comfort and timeless flavors that this Southern favorite provides.

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